Obsolete Products | Software

Name Version Description

MLC 9000 Generic Configurator Driver

V1.0.8 This executable file is the MLC 9000 driver for use with the Generic Configurator Software

MLC 9000 B230 EDS File

V1.0 DeviceNet EDS file for use with the MLC 9000 B230.

MLC 9000 B240 GSD File

V1.0 PROFIBUS GSD-GSE file for use with the MLC 9000 B240

Configurator Software

This software is for configuration of the old type MLC 9000, N6100, N8100, N4100 & N6120. Requires Windows 95 or Windows 98.
DOS Configurator V5.0 This executable file is a DOS based configurator for most of the West N Series range. Note: this is not compatible with the Plus Series controllers and will not run on Windows newer than 98.